DCS Upgrade – Scotland’s largest Power Station
DCS Upgrade – Scotland’s largest Power Station



Project Overview
Scotland’s largest Power Station required a full upgrade of it’s Distributed Control System (DCS).
DPS Group was tasked with:
- A complete replacement of Steam and Gas Turbine Electrical and Mechanical Protection Systems
- Site wide upgrade of Balance of Plant (BoP) and Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) Control Systems
- Installing new control room HMI’s and servers
- 14,614 man hours
- Zero time lost to injuries
- 21 day outage
- 144 panels
- 24,000 I/O point connections
- 15,000 meters of cabling
In Detail
Project planning started back in May 2016.
Having only 21 days of the 90 day outage planned for the installation phase, and with 144 panels requiring replacing/modifying across the site, planning was key to the success of this project.
Pre-installation works started in June ensuring all new network and control cabling many of which was rope access was in place.
All the new control cubicles were sited near to where they were to be installed, many by use of a crane, but as the plant was in full production none could be installed prior to the scheduled outage start date.
Working on a rotating basis, 14,000+ Zero Lost Time Injury (LTI) hours were required to deliver the project.
All Cubicles and Instrumentation was installed by the scheduled date.